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Remarks delivered on February 24, 1834, high council meeting at the home of Joseph Smith, Jr., Kirtland, Ohio.
Source: Orson Hyde and Oliver Cowdery record in the Kirtland Council Minute Book, LDS Archives.

Zion's Camp Announcement

Bro. Joseph then arose and said that he was going to Zion to assist in redeeming it. He then called for the voice of the council to sanction his going, which was given without a dissenting voice. He then called for voluteers to go with him, when some thirty or forty volunteers to go, who were then present at the Council. It was a question whether we should go by water or by land, and after a short investigation it was decided unanimously that we go by land. Joseph Smith Jun. was nominated and seconded to be the Commander in Chief of the Armies of Israel and the leader of those who volunteered to go and assist in the redemption of Zion, and carried by the vote of all present. Council then adjourned by prayer and thanksgiving.

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