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Remarks delivered on November 24, 1835 at Kirtland, Ohio.
Source: Warren Parrish record in Joseph Smith journal, LDS Archives

Translating Egyptian

at home, spent the fore noon instructing those that called to inquire concerning the things of God, in the last days: in the after-noon, we translated some of the Egyptian, records;

Performs A Marriage

I had an invitation to attend a wedding at Br. Hiram Smith's in the evening also to solemnize the matrimonial ceremony, between Newell Knight & Lydia Goldthwaite 1 I and my wife, went, when we arrived a conciderable company, had collected, the bridegroom & bride came in, and took their seats, which gave me to understand that they were ready. I requested them to arise and join hands. I then remarked that marriage was an institution of heaven instituted in the garden of Eden, that it was necessary that it should be Solemnized by the authority of the everlasting priesthood, before joining hands however, we attended prayers. I then made the remarks above stated; The ceremony was original with me it was in substance as follows. You covenant to be each others companions through life, and discharge the duties of husband & wife in every respect to which they assented. I then pronounced them husband & Wife in the name of God and also the blessings that the Lord confered upon adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, that is to multiply and replenish the earth, with the addition of long life and prosperity; dismissed them and returned home.


1. Knight observed that "during the evening President Smith said many things relative to marriages anciently, which were yet to be revealed." [Newell Knight, "Sketch," p. 5, LDS Archives.] Joseph's legal authority to perform marriages was in question. At the marriage of John Boynton and Susan Lowell, January 20, 1836, Joseph, "pronounced the ceremony, according to the rules and regulations of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, in the name of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ. I pronounced upon them the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and such other blessings as the Lord put into my heart . . . ." This language is suggestive of D&C 132 and the LDS marriage rites of Nauvoo.

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