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Instruction delivered at Lyceum at Nauvoo, Ill. on Tuesday March 16, 1841
Source: McIntire Minute Book

Wicked During Millennium

Next Meeting . . . Joseph Said th that the wi[c]ked will Not all be Distroyed at the Coming of Christ & also there will be wiked During the Melennium-- for instance Isaiah says the Days of an infant shall be as the age of a tree also Zarch.[Zechariah 14:16-19]--says all who Does Not Come up year by year with their Gifts to the preasts of the tabernicle that No Rain shall fall upon them--

Christ not a Resident During Millennium

& that Jesus will be a Resident on the Earth a thousand [years] with the Saints is Not the Case but will Raign over the saints & come Down & instruct as he Did the 5 hundred Brethren (1st Cor. 15) & those of the first Resurrection will also Raign with him over the saints--then after the Little Season is Expired & the Earth underGoes its Last Change & is Gloryfyed then will all the meek inherit the Earth wherein Dwelleth the Righteous--1

Man Organized to Resist Devil - Bodies

he says Satan Cannot Seduce us by his Enticements unles we in our harts Consent & yeald--our organization such that we can Resist the Devil If we were Not organized so we would Not be free agents.2


1. This passage is more definite than some other published teachings on the subject, which were modified by the Church historians for some reason. See Teachings p. 268. Compare the source for this latter in the 30Dec42 entry of the Joseph Smith diary (kept by Willard Richards): "Christ & the Resurrected saints will reign over the earth, but not dwell on the earth visit it when they please or when necessary to govern it" .

2. The issue of the body versus Satan is not an isolated theme in Joseph Smith's sermons. Some examples are 19Jan41, 14May43 16May41 and 21May43.

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