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Remarks delivered at Nauvoo, Ill. on Monday August 29, 1842
Source: Manuscript History of the Church

Joseph Returns from Hiding

Near the close of Hyrum's remarks I went upon the Stand. I was rejoiced to look upon the Saints once more, whom I have not seen for about three weeks. They also were rejoiced to see me, and we all rejoiced together. My sudden appearance on the Stand under the circumstances which surrounded us, caused great animation and cheerfulness in the Assembly. Some had supposed that I had gone to Washington, and some that I had gone to Europe, while some thought I was in the City; but whatever difference of opinion had prevailed on this point, we were now all filled with thanksgiving and rejoicing. When Hyrum had done speaking I arose and congratulated the brethren and Sisters on the victory I had once more gained over the Missourians. I had told them {formerly about fighting the Missourians, and about fighting alone. I had not fought them with the Sword, or by carnal weapons; I had done it by stratagem, by outwitting them, and there had been no lives lost, and there would be no lives lost if they would hearken to my Council. Up to this day God had given me wisdom to save the people who took Council.

People at Jacob Haun's Mill Killed Because They did not Obey Joseph - Bennett's Accusations the Cause of Joseph Hiding

None had ever been killed who abode by my Council. At Hauns Mill the brethren went contrary to my Council;1 if they had not, their lives would have been spared. I had been in Nauvoo all the while, and outwitted Bennett's associates, and attended to my own business in the City all the time. We want to whip the world mentally and they will whip themselves physically. The brethren cannot have the tricks played upon them that were done at Kirtland and Far West, they have seen enough of the tricks of their enemies and know better.

Orson Pratt Believes His Wife Before Joseph

Orson Pratt has attempted to destroy himself and caused all the city almost to go in search of him. Is it not enough to put down all the infernal influence of the devil, what we have felt and seen, handled and evidenced of this work of God? But the Devil had influence among the Jews after all the great things they had witnessed to cause the death of Jesus Christ by hanging him between heaven and earth. O. Pratt and others of the same class caused trouble by telling stories to people who would betray me, and they must believe those stories because his Wife told him so! I will live to trample on their ashes with the souls of my feet. I prophecy in the name of Jesus Christ that such shall not prosper, they shall be cut down in their plans. 2

Endowment to Come - Nauvoo Charter - Increase Membership to Protect Church

They would deliver me up Judas like, but a small band of us shall overcome. We don't want or mean to fight with the sword of the flesh, but we will fight with the broad Sword of the Spirit. Our enemies say our Charter and writs of Habeas Corpus are worth nothing. We say they came from the highest authority in the State and we will hold to them. They cannot be disannulled or taken away. I then told the brethren I was going to send all the Elders away, and when the Mob came there would only be women and children to fight and they would be ashamed. I don't want you to fight but to go and gather tens, hundreds, and thousands to fight for you. If oppression comes, I will then shew them that there is a Moses and a Joshua amongst us; and I will fight them, if they don't take off oppression from me. I will do as I have done this time. I will run into the woods. I will fight them in my own way.

Character Missionaries for the Prophet

I will send brother Hyrum to call conferences everywhere throughout the States and let documents be taken along and show to the world the corrupt and oppressive conduct of Boggs, Carlin, and others, that the public may have the truth laid before them. Let the Twelve send all who will support the character of the Prophet, the Lord's anointed, and if all who go will support my character, I prophecy in the name of the Lord Jesus, whose servant I am, that you will prosper in your missions. I have the whole plan of the kingdom before me, and no other person has. And as to all that Orson Pratt, Sidney Rigdon, or George W. Robinson can do to prevent me, I can kick them off my heels, as many as you can name, I know what will become of them. I concluded my remarks by saying I have the best of feelings towards my brethren, since this last trouble began, but to the Apostates and enemies, I will give a lashing every opportunity and I will curse them}. During the address an indescribable transport of good feeling was manifested by the Assembly and about 380 Elders volunteered to go immediately on the proposed Mission.


1. Jacob Haun had apparently been told by Joseph Smith evacuate and come to Far West, MO. Philo Dibble stated:

I will here digress from my narrative, and state that while I was at Far West the battle of Crooked River occurred, in which David W. Patten was killed, also the massacre at Haun's Mill. Brother Joseph had sent word by [Jacob] Haun, who owned the mill, to inform the brethren who were living there to leave and come to Far West, but Mr. Haun did not deliver the message.

2. See notes at 22Jul42.

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