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Sermon delivered at Smith homestead in Nauvoo, Ill. on Sunday January 30, 1842
Sources: Manuscript history of the Church, Wilford Woodruff's Book of Revelations

MS history: I preached at my house morning and evening, concerning the different Spirits 1, their operations, designs--&c.

Book of Revelations: Joseph the Seer taught the following principl that the God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ was once the same as the Son or Holy Ghost but having redeemed a world he had a son Jesus Christ who redeemed this earth the same as his father had a world which made them equal & the HHoly Ghost would to the same when in his turn & so would all the Saints who inherited a Celestial glory so their would be Gods many & Lords many their were many mansions even 12 from the abode of Devils to the Celestial glory

1. "Trying the Spirits" a continuing theme is carried still further in an article for the Times and Seasons (see 1Apr42).
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